All About Homeopathy

Arthritis Relief with Homeopathy

Homeopathy dynamically empowers the chiropractor with a comprehensive therapeutic armamentarium to help the majority of chronic degenerative health problems plaguing our society, including the many forms of arthritis.

Arthritis affects over 37,000,000 Americans. The broad spectrum of arthritis includes osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and related conditions, such as Ankylosing spondylitis, fibromyalgia, gout, Juvenile arthritis, lupus, Lyme disease, psoriatic arthritis, and Reiter’s syndrome.

Homeopathy equips the chiropractor to not only help the multiple symptoms of arthritis; it works deep within the body to correct the underlining causes in many cases. This powerful ability of homeopathy corrects the genetic predispositions we have acquired through a thousand years of our family tree. This remarkably in-depth correction comes through an incredible discovery in homeopathy called miasms. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann originally developed the concept of miasms as the “obstacle to the cure of disease”. Homeopathy can clear these miasms from our body - thus correcting the genetic predispositions we have to disease.

This phenomenally powerful therapy can not only correct the individual ’s predisposition to a disease such as arthritis, but also help the offspring of that individual born after the deeper correction has been made! Homeopathy uses minute doses of pure extracts from all realms of nature and activates the body to heal itself by correcting underlying causes of diseases rather than merely suppressing symptoms. There are many homeopathic ingredients that have stood the test of time - as they have been researched, tested and proven to provide relief from many of the painful associations with arthritis. An abridged summary of some of the most beneficial ones (as researched by William Boericke, MD, Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica and Repertory, 9th Edition) are as follows:

Actaea Spicata: (Baneberry) A rheumatic remedy, especially for small joints, e.g. wrist, fingers, knees, ankles and toes. Relieves spasmodic and throbbing pains in head, face, stomach, abdomen and extremities.

Arnica Montana: (Mountain Arnica) Muscular tonic for limbs, body aches and strained joints, with a tendency to tissue degeneration. Gout.

Bellis Perennis: (Daisy) Excellent remedy for sprains, bruises, rheumatic symptoms, sore joints and muscles, varicose veins.

Bryonia Alba: (White Bryony) Relieves soreness, weakness, stiffness, dizziness, rheumatic pains, swellings, irritability, physical weakness, and apathy.

Calcarea Carbonia: (Carbonate of Lime) Great remedy for impaired nutrition for glands, skin and bones. Relieves rheumatoid pains, rheumatism in lumbar region, swelling of joints (especially knees), and cramps in calves.

Calcarea Fluorica: (Fluoride of Lime) Powerful tissue remedy for hard, stony glands, varicose and enlarged veins and malnutrition of bones. For chronic lumbago, gouty enlargement of finger joints, depression and groundless fears.

Causticum: (Tinctura acris sine Kali) Action mainly in chronic rheumatic, arthritic and paralytic affections, indicated by pains in the muscular and fibrous tissues with deformities about the joints. For progressive loss of muscular strength, and relief of heaviness, weakness and unsteadiness of muscles.

Cimicifuga Racemosa: (Black Snake-Root) Especially useful in rheumatic, nervous subjects. For restless feeling and aching or jerking in limbs and muscular soreness. Also for depression and for nausea and vomiting caused by pressure on spine and cervical region.

Formicum Acidum: (Formic Acid) For arthritis, articular rheumatism, chronic gout and stiffness in joints. For weakness of lower extremities, pain in hips, nodes around joints, complaints of over lifting.

Hypericum Perforatum: (St. John’s Wort) Great remedy for nerve injuries. Relieves pain after operations, cramps in calves, pain in toes and fingers (especially in tips), joints that feel bruised, jerking and twitching of muscles. Useful for puncture wounds.

Ledum Palustre: (Wild Rosemary) Relieves throbbing in shoulder, cracking in joints, swollen ankles, rheumatism, gouty pains shooting through feet, limbs and joints.

Magnesia Phosphorica: (Magnesium Phosphate) Anti-spasmodic remedy. For neuralgic pains, cramps in calves and sciatica, weakness in arms and hands, and general muscular weakness. Especially suited for languid, exhausted subjects.

Phytolacca Decandra: (Poke-root) For aching, soreness, restlessness and prostration, rheumatic pains, pain in under side of thighs; pain in legs, ankles, feet. Relief of stiff back.

Pulsatilla: (Wind Flower) For intense pain in thighs, hips, knees and legs with restlessness, sleeplessness and chilliness. Relieves numbness around elbow.

Rhododendron Chrysanthum: (Snow Rose) Relieves rheumatic and gouty symptoms with swollen joints, rheumatic tearing in limbs, stiffness of neck, pain in shoulders, arms, wrists, toe joints, and pain involving dental nerves.

Rhus Toxicodendron: (Poison Ivy) For rheumatic pains spread over a large surface. Relieves swelling of joints, tingling in feet, pains in tendons and ligaments, pain and stiffness in small of back, loss of power in forearm and fingers, and state of being listless and sad.

Ruta Graveolens: (Rue) Relieves pain in small of back and loins, bones of feet and ankles, pain and stiffness in wrists and hands, contraction of fingers, and great restlessness.

Salicylicum Acidum: (Salicylic Acid) Useful for swollen, painful knees and acute rheumatism. For sciatica and vertigo.

Symphytum Officinale: (Comfrey Root) For injuries to sinews, tendons and the periosteum. Acts on joints, neuralgia of knee, perineum and bones.

Needless to say, arthritis is a painful and often debilitating disease. However, with application of the appropriate homeopathic remedies, many patients can find relief that allows them to live their lives filled with more happiness and contentment than they ever imagined. Although these are some of the more common remedies for arthritis, there are over a hundred other remedies to consider when uncovering the various underlining causes associated with arthritis. I recommend using homeopathic formulas designed to address the many possible causes and predispositions to arthritis.

Dr. Frank King is the founder and president of King Bio in Asheville, North Carolina. King Bio is an FDA registered pharmaceutical manufacturing company dedicated to research, development, and education of safe, natural, homeopathic medicines. Check Dr. King's website at for the lastest and most powerful alternative healing tools available. Also you can read his blog at to see about other's experiences with alternative medicine.
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Homeopathy Crohns Relief

by Sharon Dobson

Choosing Crohn’s-friendly foods isn’t the only way a sufferer can improve their condition, other treatments such as homeopathy crohns relief may also be beneficial for some. Homeopathy is a unique type of remedy that treats the person as a whole. Therefore, the type of remedy that is prescribed is based on a person’s mental and physical wellbeing. The treatments administered focus on ridding the person of their specific problems. Thus, no two people will be provided with the same treatments.

In order to receive proper homeopathy crohns treatment, you will need to visit a qualified homeopath to have your condition properly accessed. That being said, the following are five examples of homeopathic treatments you may be prescribed based on your symptoms:

Note: The vast majority of homeopathy treatments are derived from natural substances that come from minerals, plants and animals. A remedy is made by diluting the natural substance through a specific process without destroying its healing properties. Most remedies are extremely diluted, taken orally, and are available in tablet, pellet or liquid forms.

Argentum nitricum:

This homeopathic crohns remedy is administered to those who suffer from an upset digestive system that is also accompanied by nervousness and/or anxiety. Such a person often experiences symptoms of nausea, bloating, tummy rumbling, flatulence and sudden, intense diarrhea with a greenish hue. Diarrhea may suddenly occur after eating excessive salty or sweet foods or directly after ingesting water. In addition, a person prescribed this treatment is also likely to be impulsive, expressive, and suffer from claustrophobia issues.


This homeopathy crohns substance is given to those who feel as if their entire digestive tract is constricted. The individual may feel as though they have a lump moving upwards from the stomach or have a bubble in their throat. Their abdomen generally feels inflated; however, the person has difficulty passing gas for relief. This person likely has painful bouts of constipation, explosive cases of diarrhea, and possibly regurgitates small amounts of food. This individual may have strong emotions and is quick to become worked up.


An individual who is experiencing sharp pains and cramping in their abdomen or pubic bone that urges them to bend double or lie down is often prescribed this homeopathy crohns. The pain that is experienced usually worsens before diarrhea passes, after drinking water or eating fruit. Many of these symptoms are also triggered by emotions, especially anger.

Lilium tigrinum:

This is usually administered to a person who is constipated throughout the day but is plagued with sudden diarrhea the next morning. This person tends to feel as if there is a lump in their rectum that feels worse when they stand. This person may develop haemorrhoids, and experience tightening in their chest. The symptoms are often triggered by strong emotions, and excitement that often accelerates into feelings of irritability or rage.


This remedy for homeopathy crohns is often prescribed to those who suffer from abdominal pain and cramping, and have a sinking, empty feeling in their gut that is followed by very loose, and watery, foul-smelling diarrhea. The person may also experience constipation or bowel movements that feature pasty, yellow stool with mucus. This individual tends to feel worse in the early hours of morning and later feel weak, faint or headachy afterwards. An individual who suffers from these symptoms may also experience stiff joints and muscles.

Homeopathy crohns is generally safe when administered by a professional, especially remedies that have been extremely diluted. However, it is not uncommon for a person to feel worse during treatment. This usually only occurs for a brief period and is usually not uncommon. However, extreme or prolonged side effects such as worsening or no relief from symptoms should be brought to the attention of your health care provider.

Although homeopathy may be an ideal complimentary form of treatment for Crohn’s, it should not replace a doctor’s advice. In addition, if you have a serious case of Crohn’s with persistent symptoms, you may require medical aid for relief and to get the condition under control. Therefore, make sure you consult your health care provider about homeopathy crohns treatments before you begin.

Grab your free copy of Sharon Dobson's brand new Crohn's Disease Newsletter - Overflowing with easy to implement methods to help you discover more about acupuncture and crohns and for information on botanical crohns please visit Breakthrough Crohn's Disease Guide.Article Source:

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FAQs - About Homeopathy Part-2

Are there any food restrictions during the treatment?

Yes one has to avoid coffee, raw onion and raw garlic. One should also avoid eating mint, camphor and menthol as these can hinder the action of the homeopathic medicine or antidote the effect of the medicine.

Does one have to stop other medicines which the patient has been taking?

No. The patient should not stop the medicines which he has been taking. It should be tapered after the patient is improving this should be done in consultation with the other treating physician.

In some cases the other medicine cannot be discontinued in such instances both the medicines have to be continued for the benefit of the patient. The treatment should be planned and properly implemented.

Do homeopathic medicines bring about aggravation initially?

In some cases there is an initial aggravation of the symptoms but it is a good sign that the medicine is right and has started acting. But this happens in a few cases not all patients will have an aggravation.

Is Homeopathy a proved science?

It definitely is. Homeopathy is a science based on sound logic and vast experimental data. Homeopathy is the only medicinal science where data has been collected by proving on human beings. The principles of Homeopathy have been derived and authenticated by vast clinical experiments and data. The homoeopathic medicines are prepared in a standardized manner. The homoeopathic pharmacopoeia lists more than 3500 remedies, whose clinical efficiency has been proved in various clinical trials conducted all over the world. Various institutions and individuals are proving new medicines and increasing the scope of homoeopathic medicines.

Are Homoeopaths qualified doctors?

Yes. There are more than 180 homoeopathic medical colleges in India and about 2000 colleges all over the world recognized by the Government and the University. The degree course is an extensive study of the human body and homoeopathic pharmacy, lasting for four and half years followed by internship for 1year, which includes hospital training and patient management. After this the students are given the degree making them qualified doctors. There are now also postgraduate courses available in Homeopathy. One has to register with the Homoeopathic Medical Council to practice Homeopathy legally, and has to renew the registration every five years (India).

Is it true that Homoeopathic medicines are only placebos (sugar pills)?

No. The pills of homoeopathic medicines are made from sugar but they work only as vehicles. Actual liquid medicine prepared with alcohol base is then poured over them and allowed to dry. These pills are then dispensed as medications.

Homoeopathic medicines are also available in liquid form or tinctures, which can be ingested directly or by diluting them in water.

Does the Homoeopath give the same white pills for all illnesses/patients?

Certainly not. Although it appears that same white pills are given for all illnesses or patients it is not so, as there are more than 3500 remedies to prescribe from and new medicines are added to the list regularly, after their proving and clinical trials. All homoeopathic medicines are available as liquids with an alcohol base. In order to dispense a medicine to a patient, the indicated remedy in the liquid form is poured on the white sugar pills, which merely act as vehicles to transfer the medicinal property. Hence it appears that the same white pills are administered to all.

Is homeopathic treatment effective for children, adults, woman and elderly?

Homeopathy has no bar for age and sex; it is equally effective for every human being in every stage of their life from birth till death.

Does Homeopathy work in acute cases?

Yes. Homeopathy has wonderful remedies that give prompt relief in acute cases like fever, cough, cold, diarrhea, headaches etc. when the person opts for Homeopathy at the onset of the ailment.

Does Homeopathy believe in Surgery?

Yes, it does. Surgery is a separate branch of science. It has to be resorted to in conditions that are beyond the domain of medicine. But one can avoid surgery as Homeopathy can effectively treat many so called surgical conditions like, tonsillitis, piles, warts, kidney stones etc.

Should one take homoeopathic medicines only from a qualified doctor?

Yes he should. There have been instances of miracle cures by lay people practicing Homeopathy, but it is always advisable to go to a homoeopathic physician, as he is qualified to judge the severity and depth of your illness and thereby prevent undue complications later on, which could be overlooked by a hobby practitioner due to his ignorance of medical knowledge. Only a qualified physician can guide you towards a complete (mental, emotional, spiritual, physical and pathological) recovery.

Dr Santosh Joshi graduated from the University of Pune India in the year 1999-2000. With a firm grounding in classical homeopathy and the experience achieved by working with senior Homeopaths today he is handling 3 clinics in Mumbai India at Kala ghoda, Mulund and Chembur. He was an active participant in the seminars organized in pune during his college years.He has also given case presentation on Homeopathy.

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FAQs - About Homeopathy Part-1

Is cure possible with Homoeopathic medicines?

Homeopathy is curative. It treats the cause (internal malady or the imbalanced energy) and not the expression (diagnostic symptoms specific to the disease) of the disease. The symptoms are only used as an indication to select the right remedy for the individual. It treats the person as a whole and not his individual body parts. Homeopathy takes into account the expressions of an illness characteristic to the individual and a curative remedy chosen on this basis gives a gentle and permanent cure.

In which disease condition homeopathic treatment is more effective?

There is no condition that Homeopathy cannot treat. Conditions from a simple cold to cancer can be treated with Homeopathy. It takes into account the individual symptoms of the patient suffering from any disease and not the diagnosis of the disease. By the virtue of this certain diseases that cannot be diagnosed clinically or even unknown diseases can also be treated. Also in incurable cases where even the modern line of treatment fails to help the patient, homeopathy will prove to be a very good palliative and will improve the last days of life and ease the death.

Why detailed history?

Detailed history is very essential as homeopathy believes in treating the individual and not the disease. So the physician needs to know the individual and not about his disease. Also the chronic diseases are due to suppression of skin affections or emotions; hence detailed history will reveal whether any past ailments suppressed has lead to the present complaints.

Every incidence affects our life, so it is very important to know all the incidences and its impact it had on the patients. Hence a detailed history right from the childhood till date is needed to find the right medicine which suits the patient. If you co-operate and give honest and detailed history we can help you to achieve better and healthy life.

Is it safe to take Homeopathic medicines during Pregnancy?

Yes. It is safe to take homeopathic medicines from a qualified homeopathic doctor .If the treatment is planned in a proper way it will have lot of benefit to the mother and the child. The child will be much healthier and the medicines will help to fight the hereditary diseases which are carried from generation to generation. In fact if homeopathy is given during pregnancy the delivery is normal and easier. The child is relatively healthier and balanced emotionally, intellectually and physically.

Does one have to take the Homeopathic medicines for a long time?

No. The duration of the treatment depends upon the nature of the disease and the fighting capacity of the body. The treatment is continued for certain time period so as to improve the resistance of the body to fight diseases. So taking into consideration all these factors the treatment is continued for a certain time frame for the benefit of the patient. Once he starts improving we stop the medicines and the natural immunity of the body will take care of the rest of the problem.

Does Homeopathy take long time to act?

It is a myth that homeopathic medicines act slowly. It acts is a rapid way and the effect lasts much longer, often forever as here the disease is cured from its roots. On the plus side is absence of any toxicity and after effects. For e.g. if “X” is suffering from bronchial asthma and he is suffering for the last 14 years and has been to various systems of medicine. Now if you give homeopathy and say in 2 years time he is completely alright –Please tell us which one is slow?

Do homeopathic medicines have steroids?

No. It is a misconception that has been developing in the recent times. Due to the misconception that homeopathy takes long time to act; after seeing the improvement at a fast rate people think that homeopaths give steroids.

All Homoeopathic medicines are prepared by using scientific predefined methods of extracting the medicinal properties from source substances. There is no scope or need to adulterate the derived medicines with any other substances, as this would completely obliterate the curative properties of the same.

The prescription of homoeopathic medicines is based on the similarity of the symptoms of the patient with those produced by the drug (in its purest form) when proved (clinical trials) in healthy individuals. So any addition to the original medicine would completely alter its medicinal properties and hence render it non-curative. If the patient has doubts he should be advised to check the medicines from a standard laboratory.

Why do homeopaths do not tell the name of the medicines that have been given?

The name of the medicines is not disclosed for the benefit of the patient. If the patient after knowing the name of the medicine starts taking it according to his or her whims and fancies; it will distort the original unmodified disease picture and in the future treating the patient will be much more difficult.

The other fact is that certain medicines have to be changed and given as per the state of the disease and recovery which is very essential. At the end of the treatment if the patient wants the line of treatment that had been given it can be provided to him but at the end of the treatment.

Does homeopathy believe in disease diagnosis and pathological investigations?

Yes it is very essential to diagnose a disease as for the selection of the remedy we require to know the characteristics symptoms and not the disease symptoms. For e.g. If a person is having an attack of asthma he will be having wheezing and congestion of the chest and he gets relief only if he throws his head backwards. The symptom “throwing head backward relieves” is very peculiar which will help us in getting the right remedy. A good knowledge of disease is important. The pathological investigations are also important to know the prognosis and disease diagnosis.

Dr Santosh Joshi graduated from the University of Pune India in the year 1999-2000. With a firm grounding in classical homeopathy and the experience achieved by working with senior Homeopaths today he is handling 3 clinics in Mumbai India at Kala ghoda, Mulund and Chembur. He was an active participant in the seminars organized in pune during his college years.He has also given case presentation on Homeopathy.
For more details visit us at:
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Homeopathy - The Alternative Medicine

Author: Abhishek Lodha

Homeopathy is the Science of New Age Healing. The term homeopathy has been derived from Greek words 'homios' meaning similar and 'pathos' meaning suffering. It is one of the oldest sciences of alternative medicine, the first homeopath medicine having originated nearly 207 years back in Germany. Most of the homeopathy medicines like Belladonna, quinine and all others are derived from plants.

The role of an experienced homeopath is to analyze the full case history of the patient, note down and understand the details of his symptoms and then select the remedy that is the fittest to treat the particular case. Homeopathy principles and medication is arguably the most successful and best treatment till date.

Principles of Homeopathy

1.Homeopathy looks upon symptoms of diseases as a positive sign and the first step to start treatment.

2.Nothing can be taken for granted in the treatment of homeopathy. Full symptoms have to be considered and the case history of the patient needs to be studied by the homeopaths.

3.Homeopathy treatments are individualized. The composition of medicines for no two people suffering from the same disease can be the same.

4.It may also happen that the symptoms of two people are similar, but the reaction of medicines for different individuals is different.

5.The aim of homeopathy treatment is not to control or suppress the symptoms, but to completely cure the person suffering from it.

The Laws of Homeopathy

1.The Law of Similar
This is the principal concept of homeopathy. The concept is that homeopathy treatments are individualized. The composition of medicines for no two people suffering from the same disease can be the same. Moreover, even if the symptoms of two people are similar, reactions of medicine for them might as well be different.

2.The Single Remedy
In the homeopathy treatment, one single medicine is given to the patient at a time. Unlike the synthetic medicines, there is no need to consume several drugs at a single go for a single disease. Moreover, the homeopathy medicine dosage and strength depends upon the individual's constitution.

3.The Minimum Dose
As far as homeopathy medicine is concerned, a single and small dose is enough strong to create an impact on the diseases and its symptoms. Moreover, homeopathy medicines in their raw forms are very strong and concentrated. The medicines are diluted either with water or ethyl alcohol before giving the same to the patient for his treatment.

4.The Direction of Cure
Homeopathy medicine generally works like this: from a more important organ to a less important organ, from within outward and symptoms that are appeared first disappears in the end.

Are Homeopathy Medicines Safe

Homeopathy medicines have so far been claimed to be the safest; safer than the allopath or the synthetic medicines. It is true that these medicines hardly give rise to any side effects. Homeopaths claim that the medication is safe because the key ingredients are present in minimum quantities.

Very often we come across a rise in symptom or a particular disease with the intake of homeopathy medicine. But it must be remembered that this is the initial reaction of the medication and is a part of the remedial measures.

Precaution in Diet during the Treatment

In homeopathy, the medicine and its effects get absorbed directly by the tongue. As such, while under the homeopath's treatment, people are generally advised to avoid the intake of raw onions, anything sour, coffee, camphor and others.

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About the Author:
Abhishek has been practicing Homeopathy for the last few years. This led him to start the open-to-all forum of Homeopathy on MysticBoard . It is the best place to learn and discuss anything related to homeopathy. Also get advise from the resident doctors.

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Classical Homeopathy Computerized

by Paul Gorlow

It is common knowledge that a diligent homeopathic doctor’s practice is no easy thing.

Most of the problems we face are as old as homeopathy itself and the key to solving them is doctor’s experience. To find a correct remedy that will restore health in the sick person, it is not enough to have the diagnosis and evident markers of the illness – one has to dig deeper, into the core of the disease, and base the prescription on the symptoms hidden deep inside.

So-called repertorization is traditionally a poser for beginners and sometimes for experienced homeopaths as well. Repertorizing is difficult, yes, and it takes much toil and care. We all know how troublesome it is to write out several hundred homeopathic remedies from repertory rubrics, and then to analyse their gradations and patient’s symptoms they cover. The worst case scenario is several hours of writing and counting – can’t we just do it faster and with less effort?

However, mechanical work is only the one side of the coin and not the heads of it, there’s also most important artistic part, that is the skill of taking symptoms of importance and ignoring useless ones. Homeopathic doctor that builds his prescription on his fantasy instead of thorough analysis of patient’s symptoms will surely fail.

To avoid repertorization errors one should stick to classical case-taking rules. These rules haven’t changed for centuries and that is another evidence of their bulletproof reliability.

The doctor who aims at curing the patient, not cheating him, should gather all symptoms with utmost care, select the most important ones and search his repertory for rubrics that correspond to the chosen symptoms. Then he should analyze the list of remedies that lead in the repertorization by weight and/or by coverage and consult Materia Medica to review their field of application. When the most suitable remedy is clear to the doctor, he prescribes it and monitors its action.

So, repertorizing is always a difficult task for a homeopath. And, surely, there are computer programs to help. They do all mechanical work and instantly provide the doctor with repertorization results! Impressive, isn’t it. Hence, a beginner homeopath impressed with search and calculation speed can once become careless and forget about above-mentioned case taking rules – as this quick remedy seems so very evident!

However, the fact is: the doctor neglected the rules, carelessly listened to the patient, followed a wrong opinion and missed objective facts, selected wrong rubrics for analysis, which resulted in a wrong remedy, wrong prescription and worse condition of the patient.

So, a modern homeopath can either work as they did in 19th century and spend several hours per case or use his computer with constant risk of choosing an easy but erroneous path. Where’s the happy medium?

What the doctor needs is a computer program that will do instant repertorization and help him stick to correct case taking, guiding him away from evil temptations. Such a program, called Homeopathy Pro, was released in August 2007.

The most important feature of this program is its correct case-taking orientation according to the principles of classical homeopathy. Surely, the program can perform sophisticated search of homeopathic texts and repertorize selected rubrics, but these functions are really of auxiliary nature. Homeopathy Pro provides its users with more than just mechanical speed and precision, that is – confidence that he does the right thing. And – it helps doctors save tine and preserve quality of their work.

So, how does it work? The doctor listens to the patient’s story and writes it down, asks additional questions and writes down the answers together with his notes on the case. This results in a source text, that is, the basis for further analysis and search for the remedy.

It should be taken for granted that most of the patient’s story will be useless for the doctor, as it will cover quite common symptoms characteristic of all the people in the similar state of health. But if the conversation was carried in a professional way, the doctor will surely fish out those rare, strange, peculiar and specific symptoms that will be his guide to the remedy capable of curing the patient or dramatically reducing his sufferings. The doctor will select such symptoms from the source text and put them into the special analysis tab of the program. This is the second stage of case-taking, separating useful from useless. This will result in 6 or 7 symptoms, which will make the skeleton for repertorization.

When all the symptoms have been chosen, it’s time to start finding repertory rubrics that correspond to them. Rubric search is a complicated task, as the doctor has to translate from the language of the patient into the repertory language. Again, Homeopathy Pro will be of help here, as it will constantly display the source text of the symptom to the doctor so that he could select several rubrics corresponding to the symptom and narrow down their numbers when repertorizing and analyzing results. Also, intellectual repertory search will help find rubrics corresponding to this or that symptom.

Now that the doctor has a list of symptoms accompanied by corresponding repertory rubrics, he is ready to move to the next stage, that is, analyzing the resulting list of homeopathic remedies with the help of classical repertorization table Homeopathy Pro offers.

The table corresponds to the one used by master homeopaths since the 19th century and helps the doctor stick to correct repertorization principles. While analyzing, the doctor can include or exclude rubrics, change weight/importance of symptoms and review repertorization results from different angles. Also, he has Materia Medica articles at hand to verify prescription – the articles are just one click away from the repertorization table.

At last, the analysis produces the desired result and the doctor comes to the conclusion about the remedy his patient needs. He makes a corresponding note in the program, the patient gets the remedy and leaves. It seems that homeopath’s work is over, but actually it has just started. Homeopathic remedy is no aspirin, it will act for months and it is very important to monitor its action during future visits of the patient or via phone calls or email conversations.

All these aspects are also covered by Homeopathy Pro. All additional conversations are recorded as separate parts of the case file, hence the doctor has a single file that displays all the progress of the case from beginning to the present moment. And should it become necessary to direct the patient to another doctor, ask for colleagues’ help in a difficult case or share a successfully cured case with fellow homeopaths, this case file can be sent by email or transferred to another computer on some mobile carrier.

All this makes Homeopathy Pro a must-have tool for anyone keen on homeopathy – from students and lay people to professional doctors.

Paul Gorlow, homeopath
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Homeopathy Acne Treatment

Acne is a very common disorder of the skin. It makes the face appear unattractive while it lasts, and often leaves scars that go much deeper than the upper layer of the skin, when it recedes. Acne not only affects the skin, but an individual’s self image as well. Thus acne can create further complications of the psychological kind, if not treated in time. Homeopathy is a natural mode of medical practice that makes use of natural substances like herbs, minerals and even venomous materials to formulate remedies for various types of diseases. Acne, in both adults and teenagers, can be effectively overcome by the employment of the homeopathic mode of treatment.

Homeopathy does not look at the external outgrowth of acne only. The homeopathy practitioners take into account the overall health picture of the affected individual to reveal the root cause of acne. They assess the person’s emotional and mental aspects as well as the disease symptoms like the nature of the acne. They ask about the patient’s likes and dislikes, hobbies, sleeping habits, food preferences and all that. They evaluate in detail the sufferer’s physique, skin tone and resilience, and also their psychological features such as a predisposition towards being nervous or irritable. Pointers such as the patient’s personal state of affairs are also deemed significant. Thus only after considering all these features the homeopathy practitioner arrives at a remedy that would suit that particular individual only.

Homeopathy thus considers acne to be a symptom of some other deep-seated problem. Unlike conventional treatment procedures, it does not focus on healing just the surface of the skin by the use of topical gels, creams or ointments on acne. Homeopathy understands that the external eruptions that are visible to the eye are only the signs of some internal disorder of the human system. Homeopathic medicines actually catalyze the activation of the body’s inherent self-healing power so that the system heals itself on its own. The self-defense mechanism of the body, when revitalized, will eliminate the cause of the disease by its own efforts, and homeopathy aims at aiding that process only. Thus, homeopaths concentrate on the complete medical history of an individual and provide a holistic cure of the patient, and not just the disease. So it is immensely beneficial to take recourse to this natural method of acne treatment, rather than using harsh chemicals on the skin that may actually further aggravate the problem.

Homeopathy treatment will provide effective natural remedies that will dry up the acne causing reduction in number of existing pimples. The initial phase of the treatment may bring about a temporary outburst of the eruptions. This is not a cause of worry, this is actually the indication that the medicines are working properly. Within a short period of time, encouraging signs of improvement will be visible. Associated symptoms like itchiness of the affected area and pain will also be eradicated. The treatment method is so gentle that no scars will be left behind. Instead, and overall improvement of the skin texture will be noticeable. And to add to that, further recurrence of the disease will also be thwarted.

Want to learn more about Acne Natural Solution?, feel free to visit us at:
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Asthma Homeopathy

As you may already know, the causes and triggers of asthma vary widely from person to person. What might cause or trigger one person’s asthma may actually help another person’s asthma. That’s why asthma homeopathy could well be such a good idea.

Asthma homeopathy doesn’t just treat asthma in general ways like most other treatments do. It actually looks at the exact symptoms of each person’s asthma and then comes up with a way to treat those exact symptoms. So the solutions for each person would vary according to the symptoms for each person.

There are of course different causes or triggers for each person before they have an asthma attack. For some people what they eat might trigger an attack while another person’s attack might be caused by some sort of physical exertion or surrounding environment. Still, another person’s asthma might be triggered by more of an emotional or psychological trigger.

Let’s look at a couple examples:

A person might have their asthma triggered more in the autumn. Maybe it’s actually caused by all the decaying outside and the air. When applying to an asthma homeopathy, all the conditions would be taken into consideration as would what exactly happens to the person suffering from the asthma. Then a solution would be given based exclusively on what is triggering the asthma and what is happening for that specific person (the symptoms).

One more example might be a person who seems to have more asthma attacks late at night. All the possible reasons for this would be examined. This person would also be compared to other people who have their asthma attacks come on at night. Similarities would be developed and solutions would also be looked at based on what worked for people with similar problems. A possible solution would then be drawn and available to apply.

That’s the bottom line with asthma homeopathy. It takes into account a person’s personal and unique circumstances, and that’s the beauty of it as it is a fully personalized plan rather than a general one.

Since asthma sufferers are all so unique with what causes and triggers their own asthma attacks, it’s perfect that something would take all these unique factors into account. And that’s why an asthma homeopathy may just be perfect for you.

To get started you first need to consider when your asthma is at its worse and what might be causing your asthma. Remember to consider everything, take your time and do your best not to miss anything. Then try to narrow down what might be causing your asthma based on what people in similar situations have found. Then with this information, extend it further to look at what the same people did to help their asthma. Hopefully, when you try it out you’ll find that your own asthma condition improve in a positive way.

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Homeopathy Allergies

You can consider trying homeopathy to help reduce your allergies symptoms. While homeopathy is considered an alternative treatment and often criticised as a medical practice that is not proven, there are many people who have reported good results with this form of natural allergy treatment. So what is homeopathy all about?

Homeopathy is a practice that involves giving you, the patient, minute doses of treatments that produce the same symptoms as the ones that you are trying to relieve. Doing so helps to stimulate your body’s own natural immune system to help fight off the allergy and resulting symptoms. A homeopathy treatment is a gradual process and is not designed to give you instant results. Your homeopathic practitioner needs to monitor your results progressively and may need to adjust your prescription as you go along. This process can take up to weeks or even a few months.

You may question the logic of using even small amounts of substances that can trigger an inflammatory response and over a long term period, if the homeopathic treatment would cause implications. However, it has been said that water-based homeopathy, developed by a few homeopathic companies, is suitable for those with allergies.

Here are a couple of homeopathic remedies that are known to help reduce allergy symptoms:

  • Blood Root. Blood root can be helpful in treating allergy symptoms as chronic runny nose, headache, facial pain, coughing, or a dry throat.
  • Cevadilla Seed. Cebadilla seed is excellent or sneezing, dry nose, red eyes, pressure, dry coughs, and a sore throat.
  • Eyebright. This homeopathic remedy is a great treatment for the symptoms of a watery nasal discharge and watering eyes. Patients who experience their most severe symptoms while lying down, in the morning, or while they are outside in the air will be aided the most by this remedy.
  • Selenium. Selenium helps to stimulate the immune system response and protect cellular membranes.
  • Green Tea Extract. Green tea is helpful in fighting off the allergy symptoms.
  • Histaminum. Histaminum is usually given in small amounts to help the body fight off the allergies and the associated symptoms.
  • Arbor Vitae. Arbor vitae is helpful in treating a green nasal discharge, headache, runny nose, and sinusitis that is associated with allergies.

The above list is not exhaustive. You can get more information from a homeopathic practitioner as well.

Some people prefer not to use prescription or over the counter medications simply because they have many side effects. If you are one of these people, then you may want to look into using homeopathy for your allergy symptoms. There is no need to suffer needlessly from your symptoms as there are natural treatments that can possibly help you.

Going into combat, Evelyn Lim, is determined to fight a war against her allergy symptoms in a safe and effective manner. She now researches and publishes information about natural allergy treatments Gain access to free tips here at
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