Health & Fitness With Homeopathy
Published by Unknown on Saturday, October 20, 2007 at 1:22 AM.Homeopathy is so rich in remedial agents that often its practitioners tend to rely on their drugs alone, and to disregard hygiene and other adjuvants to cure. Especially do they fail to work out diets in detail for their patients. It is essential that they bother to do this for a number of reasons. In the first place, for the psychological effect upon the patient. Patients want to feel that every scientific care is being given them, and that (he doctor takes flattering pains with them; and they need something to do, a call to active co-operation on their part. Especially is this the last case when the actual remedy administration is in so pleasant, simple and sparse a form as Homeopathy prescribes. In the second place, without any drug of any kind, diet can do wonders for many types of cases as modern medicine so ably demonstrates.
Let us consider, for instance, the value without any drug, of strict diets in such diseases as: Diabetes, nephritis, high blood pressure, renal colic and the uric add diabetes, arthritis, gall-stones and jaundice, gastric and duodenal ulcer, mucous colitis, visceroptosis, constipation, obesity, and last, but by no means least, tuberculosis and cancer. Every Homeopathic physician must be grounded in the classical dietary treatments; must know w.hen to give a diabetic the Newburg high-fat diet; and the difference between diets for nephritics and nephtotics; must enforce pure-free diets on the chronic renal colics; must be conversant with the Lippe diet for ulcer; and the LaheyJordan diet for mucous colitis (with its cream of wheat and celery, whose roughage combined with the concomitant rest prescribed does such wonders in those obstinate cases). The physician must know how to influence acidity; strong urine, asthma and eczema by dietary means.
It is good training for us, and a helpful method of experimental control of our remedies, to start chronic patients who have some one of the above mentioned diagnoses, on diet and regimen plus Sac. lac. without any remedy, and see how far you can improve their condition .. Thus do we learn what scientific common sense will, and will not, do for us. Meanwhile you are getting closer to the patient's true similum, and can give it in prepared ground, with startling and enlightening effect.
Diet can often replace the use of drugs a valuable help for the Homeopath. Take a patient who has been 'living' on soda bicarbonate for years. Teach them that soda, chemically alkaline, produces acid, physiologically, in the stomach, and train them to substitute lemon juice and the citrus fruits in general, and watch. You will be amazed that so simple a means will work so well. Meanwhile the soda intoxication symptoms will pass off, and your case values will begin to be unraveled.
The physician must also at the onset remove articles of diet and diet habits of eating which hold the patient back from cure, and which cover the spoor on the trail to a 'totality', and therefore to subsequent healthful progress. He learns in this quest the idiosyncrasies to food on t.he part of the patient. These, as every Homeopath knows, are· of great help and import. In this connection there is a wise rule: Chronic cases should not eat to excess that which they especially crave, whereas acute patients may-and should-eat largely of what they crave, if the craving comes on with the illness. The most extraordinary lapses from classical procedure shmv admirable results when this rule is followed, But, be sure that it is a true craving, unusual, individualizing the patient's reaction to the (so-called) acute disease. The craving for and aversIons. to food in chronics will, of course, give you sound generals for your hierarchy of symptoms.
If, in chronic cases the remedy is given, it will, little by little, enable the patient to assimilate that food which he craved, at the same time, quite reasonably, modifying the craving. For example, I have an Argentum nitricum patient who craved sugar and was ill from it, and who, under Arg. nit. no longer craves it, but can 'Catch it with impunity. Similarly, I have a Calcare!t child, who, after Calc., ceased craving chalk and indigestibles and can assimilate lime from the food. In connection with being made ill by specific articles of food several interesting points arise: Try at first to see whether it is a combination of foods which disagree, or the one given element of diet. A wise professor once told me that almost anyone could eat almost anything if they ate it by itself. Next in the case of certain. acids, try giving cream cheese or cottage cheese with them.
For instance, those with whom strawberries disagree, can often take stnnvbcrrics if cream cheese is eaten at the same time; and similarly with tomatoes. This also applies to shellfish in some patiences. Beware the combinations of acids and sugars, starches with meat, III people with delicate digestions. Buttermilk will often so alter the colon's 110ra and fauna tbat putrefaction is regulated and much elll be digested which hitherto did not agree. A famous German Homeopath, Dr. Schlegel the elder, told me that if everyone would drink buttermilk die race would profit enormously, and if they would add honey (formic acid) and radishes (which are anti-uric-acid) even more trouble ,would be saved. Remember' that onions help keep blood pressure down (the excitable Italians with their garlic and onions rarely have hypertension.)
In idiosyncrasies of preference rather than actual agrravations, ingenuity will save much trouble. Your child or patient who will not take milk may enjoy it if vichy or seltzer be added, or if milk and cream are mixed' and half with ginger ale or sarsaparilla. Or the difference between hot and cold milk may change the dislike.
Those needing iron who claim cabbage gives them gas can often take raw cabbage with sour cream dressing. Spinach pureed with egg chopped on it will tempt the anti-green child. Cider and raw apples are marvelous for thinning the arthritic patient. Brown sugar, molasses, maple syrup and honey will not haim him as other sweets will. These hints may seem feminine and trivial, but I assure you, they work. I hope the discussion of this paper will provoke much more lore in this line.
There is another sphere where diet aids materially in cleansing the system. We have mentioned buttermilk and lemon juice. White of egg, with lemon or orange juice makes a detoxifying liver wash for the bilious. The egg albumon forms albuminates with t.he poisons wbich accumulate in the liver. Tea made from red clover blossoms and drunk, two quarts daily, helps the cancer patients and appears to cleanse the system. (An old German ad;u.t1allt).
So far we have not even mentioned the relationship between certain foods and the best action of our remedies. But surely you all know these symbioses and antagonisms. For example, Aconite and acids do not agree, coffee antidotes the action of Nux vomica. These relationships are legion and can be found in Clarke's Dictionary of Materia Medica and in many other of our classics, under the separate remedies.
In Certain theoretical problems of enormous interest to me come up under this subject. For instance, we use articles of food as remedies. What reaction, if any, may these have on patients sensitive to them, even in the crude, comestible form? And vice versa, can we aid the suitable remedy by giving its crude counterpart as a food simultaneously? Furthermore, should we not make and prove the whole range of vegetables, fruits and nutriti~e articles, so that we find a patient with an idiosyncrasy to something we can compare his case with the proving of the offending food and. see whether it may not fit and aid? These foods should be proven on tho~e with a sensitivity to them. For instance, I should prove egg-plant, our friend, Dr. Roberts, has proved tomato, and a patient of mine, who is violently ill from even a dish of red pepper lurking in the soup-though he has plenty in his disposition-would make an admirable prover of Capsicum.
These last considerations are offered to you as 'articles of diet'. Think them over digest them, and give the society a valuable and full discussion of this too often neglected phase of concomitant Homeopathy.
Let us consider, for instance, the value without any drug, of strict diets in such diseases as: Diabetes, nephritis, high blood pressure, renal colic and the uric add diabetes, arthritis, gall-stones and jaundice, gastric and duodenal ulcer, mucous colitis, visceroptosis, constipation, obesity, and last, but by no means least, tuberculosis and cancer. Every Homeopathic physician must be grounded in the classical dietary treatments; must know w.hen to give a diabetic the Newburg high-fat diet; and the difference between diets for nephritics and nephtotics; must enforce pure-free diets on the chronic renal colics; must be conversant with the Lippe diet for ulcer; and the LaheyJordan diet for mucous colitis (with its cream of wheat and celery, whose roughage combined with the concomitant rest prescribed does such wonders in those obstinate cases). The physician must know how to influence acidity; strong urine, asthma and eczema by dietary means.
It is good training for us, and a helpful method of experimental control of our remedies, to start chronic patients who have some one of the above mentioned diagnoses, on diet and regimen plus Sac. lac. without any remedy, and see how far you can improve their condition .. Thus do we learn what scientific common sense will, and will not, do for us. Meanwhile you are getting closer to the patient's true similum, and can give it in prepared ground, with startling and enlightening effect.
Diet can often replace the use of drugs a valuable help for the Homeopath. Take a patient who has been 'living' on soda bicarbonate for years. Teach them that soda, chemically alkaline, produces acid, physiologically, in the stomach, and train them to substitute lemon juice and the citrus fruits in general, and watch. You will be amazed that so simple a means will work so well. Meanwhile the soda intoxication symptoms will pass off, and your case values will begin to be unraveled.
The physician must also at the onset remove articles of diet and diet habits of eating which hold the patient back from cure, and which cover the spoor on the trail to a 'totality', and therefore to subsequent healthful progress. He learns in this quest the idiosyncrasies to food on t.he part of the patient. These, as every Homeopath knows, are· of great help and import. In this connection there is a wise rule: Chronic cases should not eat to excess that which they especially crave, whereas acute patients may-and should-eat largely of what they crave, if the craving comes on with the illness. The most extraordinary lapses from classical procedure shmv admirable results when this rule is followed, But, be sure that it is a true craving, unusual, individualizing the patient's reaction to the (so-called) acute disease. The craving for and aversIons. to food in chronics will, of course, give you sound generals for your hierarchy of symptoms.
If, in chronic cases the remedy is given, it will, little by little, enable the patient to assimilate that food which he craved, at the same time, quite reasonably, modifying the craving. For example, I have an Argentum nitricum patient who craved sugar and was ill from it, and who, under Arg. nit. no longer craves it, but can 'Catch it with impunity. Similarly, I have a Calcare!t child, who, after Calc., ceased craving chalk and indigestibles and can assimilate lime from the food. In connection with being made ill by specific articles of food several interesting points arise: Try at first to see whether it is a combination of foods which disagree, or the one given element of diet. A wise professor once told me that almost anyone could eat almost anything if they ate it by itself. Next in the case of certain. acids, try giving cream cheese or cottage cheese with them.
For instance, those with whom strawberries disagree, can often take stnnvbcrrics if cream cheese is eaten at the same time; and similarly with tomatoes. This also applies to shellfish in some patiences. Beware the combinations of acids and sugars, starches with meat, III people with delicate digestions. Buttermilk will often so alter the colon's 110ra and fauna tbat putrefaction is regulated and much elll be digested which hitherto did not agree. A famous German Homeopath, Dr. Schlegel the elder, told me that if everyone would drink buttermilk die race would profit enormously, and if they would add honey (formic acid) and radishes (which are anti-uric-acid) even more trouble ,would be saved. Remember' that onions help keep blood pressure down (the excitable Italians with their garlic and onions rarely have hypertension.)
In idiosyncrasies of preference rather than actual agrravations, ingenuity will save much trouble. Your child or patient who will not take milk may enjoy it if vichy or seltzer be added, or if milk and cream are mixed' and half with ginger ale or sarsaparilla. Or the difference between hot and cold milk may change the dislike.
Those needing iron who claim cabbage gives them gas can often take raw cabbage with sour cream dressing. Spinach pureed with egg chopped on it will tempt the anti-green child. Cider and raw apples are marvelous for thinning the arthritic patient. Brown sugar, molasses, maple syrup and honey will not haim him as other sweets will. These hints may seem feminine and trivial, but I assure you, they work. I hope the discussion of this paper will provoke much more lore in this line.
There is another sphere where diet aids materially in cleansing the system. We have mentioned buttermilk and lemon juice. White of egg, with lemon or orange juice makes a detoxifying liver wash for the bilious. The egg albumon forms albuminates with t.he poisons wbich accumulate in the liver. Tea made from red clover blossoms and drunk, two quarts daily, helps the cancer patients and appears to cleanse the system. (An old German ad;u.t1allt).
So far we have not even mentioned the relationship between certain foods and the best action of our remedies. But surely you all know these symbioses and antagonisms. For example, Aconite and acids do not agree, coffee antidotes the action of Nux vomica. These relationships are legion and can be found in Clarke's Dictionary of Materia Medica and in many other of our classics, under the separate remedies.
In Certain theoretical problems of enormous interest to me come up under this subject. For instance, we use articles of food as remedies. What reaction, if any, may these have on patients sensitive to them, even in the crude, comestible form? And vice versa, can we aid the suitable remedy by giving its crude counterpart as a food simultaneously? Furthermore, should we not make and prove the whole range of vegetables, fruits and nutriti~e articles, so that we find a patient with an idiosyncrasy to something we can compare his case with the proving of the offending food and. see whether it may not fit and aid? These foods should be proven on tho~e with a sensitivity to them. For instance, I should prove egg-plant, our friend, Dr. Roberts, has proved tomato, and a patient of mine, who is violently ill from even a dish of red pepper lurking in the soup-though he has plenty in his disposition-would make an admirable prover of Capsicum.
These last considerations are offered to you as 'articles of diet'. Think them over digest them, and give the society a valuable and full discussion of this too often neglected phase of concomitant Homeopathy.
This article was taken from, a site based on homeopathy resources and articles.
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Labels: Homeopathic Treatment
Published by Unknown on Thursday, October 11, 2007 at 1:46 AM.
new homeopathy related article after 7 days
Homeopathy and Psoriasis
Published by Unknown on Saturday, October 6, 2007 at 11:14 AM.
by Maya Kahane
What is Psoriasis ?
Psoriasis is a genetic, noncontagious, chronic skin disease that his clinically characterized by the presence of rounded, scaly, dry patches of various sizes that appear grey or silvery white.
The word psoriasis comes from the Greek, psora, meaning irritation. It often affects the elbows, knees, scalp and torso, but can appear elsewhere, such as the face- around the eyes, ears, mouth and nose- on hands and feet and on the nails.
Psoriasis occurs among people of all ages, but is most commonly diagnosed in early adulthood.
In a healthy adult, skin cells regenerate until a wound is healed. For a person afflicted with psoriasis, skin cells regenerate too quickly due to faulty signals in the immune system, causing red, scaly lesions that crack and bleed.
Triggers that bring on psoriasis include:
* Emotional Stress
* Injury to the skin
* Some types of infection
* Reaction to certain drugs
* Fungal infection, such as Candida
Psoriasis appears in the following forms:
* Plaque – Most common form of the disease appears as raised, red patches or lesions covered with a silvery white buildup of dead skin cells – called scale;
* Psoriasis Guttate – Appears as small red spots on the skin;
* Psoriasis Inverse – Occurs in armpits, groin and skin folds;
* Psoriasis Pustular – White blisters surrounded by red skin;
* Psoriasis Erythrodermic – Intense redness over large areas;
* Psoriatic Arthritis – can develop slowly with mild symptoms, or can develop quickly and be severe. Skin disease precedes joint disease which causes pain, stiffness and swelling in and around the joints. 6%-8% of Psoriatic population suffers from psoriatic Arthritis.
Can Homeopathy help?
The answer is a YES! Homeopathy when practiced correctly and ethically has the power to relive people of their suffering, not just from psoriasis, but many other syndromes and illnesses.
As a homeopath with over 12 years of experience I have witnessed thousands of cases where conventional medicine did not rise up to the challenge. We believe that homeopathic treatments must come from the patients themselves, helping the body balance itself and harmonizing its activity will affect the mind, body and spirit.
A homeopath must undertake the mission of getting to know each and every patient, creating a process of conversations (not interviews) to bring about communication and sharing will assist in the preparation of a truly personalized treatment.
Because the prescribed treatment is specifically created to suit each individual’s symptoms significant improvement is often seen after completion of the regimen. If the symptoms have not been fully alleviated, the process should be repeated.
Homeopathy can be regarded as shady areas of medicine, because of the people who miss use its practice. As a patient you have to be weary of the doctors you chose to work with for your self or your family, same rule applies for homeopathic practitioners.
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What is Psoriasis ?
Psoriasis is a genetic, noncontagious, chronic skin disease that his clinically characterized by the presence of rounded, scaly, dry patches of various sizes that appear grey or silvery white.
The word psoriasis comes from the Greek, psora, meaning irritation. It often affects the elbows, knees, scalp and torso, but can appear elsewhere, such as the face- around the eyes, ears, mouth and nose- on hands and feet and on the nails.
Psoriasis occurs among people of all ages, but is most commonly diagnosed in early adulthood.
In a healthy adult, skin cells regenerate until a wound is healed. For a person afflicted with psoriasis, skin cells regenerate too quickly due to faulty signals in the immune system, causing red, scaly lesions that crack and bleed.
Triggers that bring on psoriasis include:
* Emotional Stress
* Injury to the skin
* Some types of infection
* Reaction to certain drugs
* Fungal infection, such as Candida
Psoriasis appears in the following forms:
* Plaque – Most common form of the disease appears as raised, red patches or lesions covered with a silvery white buildup of dead skin cells – called scale;
* Psoriasis Guttate – Appears as small red spots on the skin;
* Psoriasis Inverse – Occurs in armpits, groin and skin folds;
* Psoriasis Pustular – White blisters surrounded by red skin;
* Psoriasis Erythrodermic – Intense redness over large areas;
* Psoriatic Arthritis – can develop slowly with mild symptoms, or can develop quickly and be severe. Skin disease precedes joint disease which causes pain, stiffness and swelling in and around the joints. 6%-8% of Psoriatic population suffers from psoriatic Arthritis.
Can Homeopathy help?
The answer is a YES! Homeopathy when practiced correctly and ethically has the power to relive people of their suffering, not just from psoriasis, but many other syndromes and illnesses.
As a homeopath with over 12 years of experience I have witnessed thousands of cases where conventional medicine did not rise up to the challenge. We believe that homeopathic treatments must come from the patients themselves, helping the body balance itself and harmonizing its activity will affect the mind, body and spirit.
A homeopath must undertake the mission of getting to know each and every patient, creating a process of conversations (not interviews) to bring about communication and sharing will assist in the preparation of a truly personalized treatment.
Because the prescribed treatment is specifically created to suit each individual’s symptoms significant improvement is often seen after completion of the regimen. If the symptoms have not been fully alleviated, the process should be repeated.
Homeopathy can be regarded as shady areas of medicine, because of the people who miss use its practice. As a patient you have to be weary of the doctors you chose to work with for your self or your family, same rule applies for homeopathic practitioners.
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